W: Wrapper. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
W/: With
WALLPAPER: Unnecessary postal issues from countries which are considered to have little or no philatelic or monetary value.
WANT LIST: A listing, given to a stamp dealer, of stamps that are needed or wanted by the collector.
WAR TAX STAMPS: Stamps used on mail during periods of conflict to raise funds. The stamp was applied in addition to the regular postage.
WATERMARK: A design, letter or word impressed in the paper during the manufacture of the paper. This mark found on a stamp is very helpful for identification purposes.
WATERMARK DETECTOR: A black tray of glass or enameled metal in which a special fluid is placed on top of the stamp to reveal the watermark.
WATER SOLUBLE INK: Ink on a stamp that dissolves when immersed in water.
WAVY-LINE STAMPS: Refers to the Danish issues picturing wavy lines in the design.
WEB: A continuous roll of paper used for stamp printing.
WEB PRESSES: Webfed presses use a continuous roll of paper fed into the press.
WEB SITES: Locations on the Worldwide Web portion of the Inernet where both commercial and non-commercial philatelic information is presented. Each web site has its own address, i.e., URL.
WEDDING BAND: Term used for the US 5c air mail issued in 1948 with a band around the five New York boroughs.
WELLS FARGO: A company that operated stage routes carrying mail, freight and passengers to and from the West from 1849. The firm issued stamps and applied cancels to envelopes which are considered very desirable.
WESTERN EXPRESS MAIL: Served the mining regions of California and Nevada where government postal service was inadequate.
WET PRINTING: Has a moisture content of 15-35% compared to 5-10% for "dry" printing; also has a duller look than "dry" printing.
W F U N A: World Federation of United Nations Association, produces its own cacheted covers to benefit the UN.
WHITE BORDER PERIOD: Postal stationery from 1915-1930 with a white border surrounding the illustration.
WINE STAMPS: Stamps issued by the Treasury Department to pay the Internal Revenue taxes on wines.
WIPING CREASES: Marks caused by damaged cleaning blades left on the surface of the plate before printing.
WIREMARK: Original term for a watermark.
WMK: Watermark
WMMH: Great Britain Wales & Monmouthshire Machin. Scott catalog usage to identify stamps other than standard postage.
WO: Official Wrapper. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
W/O: Without
W/OG: Without Original Gum
WOODBLOCK: Cape of Good Hope 1861 issues that appear to have been printed from wooden plates.
WORKING MODEL: When referred to a stamp design, is the ink-and-paper design, prepared by a designer for use of the engraver.
WOVE PAPER: Smooth, even finished paper without watermarks that is suitable for all types of stamp printing.
WRAPPER: A postal stationery item used in the mailing of newspapers usually wrapped around a newspaper.
WRECK COVER: Item of mail that has been salvaged from a shipwreck.
WV: U.S. Sanitary Fair. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
W W: Worldwide
WX: U.S. Christmas Seals. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.